Lit by Anne Deniro nee Munro 12th March 2021
My dear Mary, my dearest cousin, I have so many memories of you especially when we were young. Every holiday it was Mum and Dad, Robert Aunty Bet, Uncle Andy and you and Andrew. Scotland camping, do you remember the midgies by Loch Lomond, picnics by the side of the road, the holiday in Weymouth when you cut your knee open on the beach and after being brave at the hospital you got a new doll, I got so upset because I wanted one Mum and Dad had to buy me one to shut me up. All the Christmases when we were kids and the Sunday tea times. There are so many, you will always be in my heart Mary, lots of love and hope Mum and Aunty Bet are not still arguing over school dinners when you meet up with them. RIP lots of love Anne xxxx
This candle went out on 12th April 2021.